
2018年1月9日—Anexcerptfromit:TheBB386EVOcranksarecompatiblewithalmosteveryBBshellstandard(BSA,BB30,PF30,BB86),saysJasonMilesofFSA.,BB386曲柄適用於SHIMANOPFBB86;描述.386EVO大盤壓入BB86Shimanopressfit,每側二個軸承;特色.否;代碼,類型;200-0012000110,BBckBB386EVOtoPF8641mm ...,2021年11月16日—ThedifferencebetweenBB86andBB386BBshellsisthediameteroftheaxle:it's30mmfortheBB386,and24mmfortheBB86-natively...

BB86 bottom bracket with BB386 crankset?

2018年1月9日 — An excerpt from it: The BB386 EVO cranks are compatible with almost every BB shell standard (BSA, BB30, PF30, BB86), says Jason Miles of FSA.


BB386 曲柄適用於SHIMANO PFBB86 ; 描述. 386EVO 大盤壓入BB86 Shimano pressfit, 每側二個軸承 ; 特色. 否 ; 代碼, 類型 ; 200-0012000110, BB ck BB386EVO to PF86 41mm ...

BB386 Evo Crank options (Velobuild GF-002)

2021年11月16日 — The difference between BB86 and BB386 BB shells is the diameter of the axle: it's 30mm for the BB386, and 24mm for the BB86 - natively. You can ...

The complete guide to bottom bracket standards

2019年3月13日 — The BB386 EVO cranks are compatible with almost every BB shell standard (BSA, BB30, PF30, BB86), says Jason Miles of FSA. We currently make ...

Enduro BB8692 to BB386 EVO bottom bracket

2013年3月10日 — The complete Enduro BB86/92-to-BB386 EVO bottom bracket includes the bearings, spacers, and seals - James Huang/Future Publishing · Enduro's new ...

Tech tussle: Is it time to ditch the press

2022年7月4日 — BB86 uses a bottom bracket shell that is 86.5mm in width, and fits 24mm crankset axles; BB386 EVO uses the same width but accepts 30mm axles as ...

BB30 VS BB386

2014年5月19日 — BB386跟BB86之間的相容性最好,寬度一樣,只差在軸心粗細,這樣較好處理,因為不需要Adapter,不會有異音風險。 最後結論,BB386終究是比較小眾的規格, ...

Bb386 vs bb86?

2021年3月28日 — Bb86 is a 41mm bore. Bb386 is 46mm- same as pf30. Bb86 is designed for the best bearing size for 24mm cranks. Bb386 is the widest shell ...


The BB86R386 bottom bracket solves the problem facing riders who have BB86 frames, which were designed around 24 mm cranks, but have BB386 cranks with 30 mm.

魏爸裝Bottom bracke EP4︱B006D+BB86轉BB386安裝與 ...

2019年1月2日 — 本集示範使用CEMA出品的「BB386轉接套件」 當你想升級Rotor、FSA或是Praxis等大盤,多數會遇到需要轉30軸心規格的BB,手邊剛好是BB86的,就得轉BB386 ...